How To Leverage Insight Reports With Eloqua Dashboards Using Insight Action Links

How To Leverage Insight Reports With Eloqua Dashboards Using Insight Action Links

  1. See Your Campaigns Clearly: A Guide to Eloqua Reporting Dashboards
  2. Customize Your View: Combine Campaign Dashboard and Insight Reports using Action Links


Marketing success hinges on the ability to translate data insights into actionable strategies.
This article explores a powerful technique that leverages the combined strengths of Eloqua's Insight Reports
and Dashboards, along with Insight Action Links. We'll delve into how this combination empowers marketers to gain
a deeper understanding of campaign performance and seamlessly translate those insights into concrete actions within the Eloqua platform.

See Your Campaigns Clearly: A Guide to Eloqua Reporting Dashboards

Oracle Eloqua's reporting dashboards (formerly known as Insight Preview) visually present key information to help you understand how your campaigns, assets and lead scoring models are performing. The dashboards are pre-built by Oracle Eloqua and are available independently of Insight. These dashboards are different from the ones that you can create
and customize in Insight.

Here’s a list of all available Eloqua dashboards.

You can access a dashboard by:

  1. Navigating to Analytics, then clicking Dashboards
  2. Selecting the dashboard you want to view

After accessing a dashboard, have a look around - explore some of the interactive features including:

  •  filter results
  • download a chart (This feature is not available from all dashboards)
  • access the report in Insight (This feature is not available from all dashboards)

With the release of Eloqua D21 in 2021, the Individual Email Performance Dashboard was introduced to Eloqua users,
so most of you will already be familiar with its contents. It provides a detailed view of an individual email’s performance.

The dashboard contains three tabs:

Email Performance: Displays the unique open rate, click-to-open rate, form conversion rate, and bounceback rate.
You can check the performance by segment or on a timeline. This dashboard summarizes the email’s performance across all campaigns.

Link Activity: Shows a visual presenting the total number of clicks.

Click Map: Shows a visual representation of how users interact with tracked links in your emails.

All these reports come with eye-catching charts, which can help users to understand data shifts quickly and effectively. Some of these reports can be accessed in Insight directly from the dashboard level, however, this feature is not available from all dashboards. In this case, you can try to recreate the tables and charts in Insight to some extent, but most likely, you won't be able to achieve the same experience. The manual setup can take a lot of time and the results may not be satisfying. But what if there was a way to integrate both Insight Reports and Eloqua Dashboards?

Customize Your View: Combine Campaign Dashboard and Insight Reports using Action Links

Let’s start by explaining what Insight Action Links are:

An action link allows you to navigate from an Insight report to a web page or another report (custom or standard).
Hovering the mouse pointer over a column value will display the value as a link, directing to a list of configured actions. Selecting an action in the list causes it to be executed.

Use Case:

“Is it possible to link out to an existing dashboard in Eloqua from Insight? There’s an Individual Email Performance dashboard – which has a bunch of great information our marketers can drill into and leverage. If it’s possible to do so,
can we have the data in the “Email Name” column link to this?”

The mentioned report containing an Email Name, is the "Email Analysis Overview" one (this is a standard filter, but defined by specific email names and stored as a custom filter).

Creating an Action Link:

Now that we have the needed report, let’s add an action link that will take us to the Individual Email Performance dashboard:

Run your previously created Email Analysis Overview report (or any other report that includes an Email Name column).

Make sure you add (double-click or drag) the Email ID attribute to the Attributes folder, which is located in the Subject Area tab on the left:

Select the column you wish to add the action link to (Email Name), then go to Column Properties:

Now go to the Interaction tab - it allows you to choose between adding the action link to the column header or to the values - we will present the latter.

Select a drop down for Primary Interaction > Action Links and press the + button to create your action link:

Once you click the + button, you will see a pop up named New Action Link. The Link Text value can be changed and will be displayed as the title of the action link within the report. The next step is to click on Select Navigate to a Web Page tab.

Once you’re here, enter the following URL:{1} making sure to replace the POD# with your POD number (here’s how to determine which POD you are on)
i.e. p04, then click Define Parameters > Select Add Parameters:

Use the parameters below:

Name: 1

Prompt: EmailId

Value: Column Value > “Email”.”Email ID”

Fixed1: checked

Hidden2: checked

Then, go to Options and check the Open In New Window box3 and click “OK”

In the report, switch from Criteria to Results. You will see that the Email Name value is now an action link.
Once you click on it, an action link will appear to take you to the dashboard that you’ve embedded in the action link:

Click on the Email Name value to access the Eloqua Individual Email Performance dashboard.


1 Fixed – Use this column to specify whether the users should be allowed to display the parameter without changing its settings (check the box). Leaving this box unchecked will allow users to both display and set the value.

2 Hidden – Use this column to specify whether to hide the parameter from users. Select the box to hide the parameter from users, otherwise it will be shown.

3 Open In New Window – Use this box to specify whether the action link that navigates to related content should open
in a new browser window or new tab (if the browser supports tabs). Select this box to open the action link in a new browser window or tab. Deselect it to open the action link in the same window or tab.

Important Note: Keep in mind, especially if you're planning to share this report with someone outside your organization, that Eloqua Dashboards are part of the Eloqua interface, so you need to be logged in to access them.

Here are some other useful tips from Eloqua Topliners Community on how to effectively work with Insight Action Links:

How to: Link to Profiler from an Insight report

Eloqua’s Tip Tuesday: Pre-wire useful links directly in your Eloqua Insight Reports!

Insight (OBIEE) Tips | Action Links: What they are and how to use them

Need help with data management, system audit, custom reporting or any other marketing automation processes? Contact us and we’ll sort it out for you!

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